Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Water Gardens and Vectorworks

Sorry for being late with posting this but I had been busy with keeping up...been sick and the Garden Design course at OCGD is really timeconsuming. But we learn so much, it is incredible. First results- the finished project 1 you can see at the Blog of our principle Duncan Heather. My delayed hand-in date is thursday, still have to render one sketch...
Last Friday we had one of the best lectures ever: Pond Construction and Water Plants by Martin Kelley- Fairwater Ltd., one of the leading pond construction experts of the UK. Interesting and really fun listening! I definitely like the idea of natural pond ecosystems or natural swimming pools. Fairwater Ltd. is working hand in hand with BioNova from Germany- based in Munich ;-) so will go and have a chat to the guys...

Today we got introduced to Vectorworks, the CAD- Software. Cool. Lots of things that you can do and lots of things to learn but just a great tool to work professionally. Lecture was done by Tamsin Slatter, the Vectorworks specialist. If you want to book a training or purchase her book about Vectorworks, just go to her homepage. It is really worth it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex

    Great to spend the last couple of days with you. Thanks for your kind comments. Looking forward to seeing you again in January. Have a good trip home and I hope you are feeling fully fit soon.

    All the best


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